Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Advanced Search Results
Master Windmill CubeA 4x4x4 twisted inside of its solid. It resembles one of Katzuhiko Okamoto's most popular creations.
Master XenomorphixA 4x4x4 in shape of a tetrahedron. The axes are oriented as in the Xenomorphix.
Master bump skewbThe concept of the Bump Cube applied to a Master skewb

Master circle raptor cubeThe Master cousin of the Circle Raptor Cube.
Master dino cubeA corner turning cube with four cuts per axis and one piece type more than the Lattice Cube.
Master dino curvy rhombic dodecahedronThe Curvy dino rhombic dodecahedron with additional shallow cuts on both types of corners.

Master face turning octahedron V2A face turning octahedron with four layers but different cuts as version 1.

Master ghost houseA "ghosted" 4x4x4 transformed to look like a House Cube.
Master horror skewbA bumped version of the Master skewb which has two solutions.

Masterball 5A Masterball with five instead of four layers.
Masterball Cube (2 layers)A Masterball got bandaged and some plastic cards were glued on.

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